Friday, December 11, 2009

Random acts of kindness

I think people are good-natured. But sometimes we tend to forget our good nature and be not so good to each other. That's why it's always fun to witness a random act of kindness. Just a couple seconds ago I saw Lee Foster reach over to Hope Flahardy's computer and put it into sleep mode to save her batteries. I thought that was super cool, so i had to blog about it.

When you see someone in need, it shouldn't matter who they are, help them out. Don't ignore them. And please don't be one of those types of people that writes Wash Me! on a dirty car.

Those people suck.


It's the most wonderful time of the year! Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday because it's a time when everyone is able to find a release from the monotony of everyday life. A time when someone can take refuge from the things that trouble them and just relax with their family and others that they love.

Why? It really doesn't make sense. After all, this is the season of giving, and material ties are what tend to trouble us the most. Why is it that people lighten up so much for the holidays?

The way i see it, we stress ourselves out over work and finances every day, and christmas provides the perfect way to discharge all of your pent up stress. We work so hard for our money, and on christmas, we blow it all on someone else. And it feels great. Parents hunt high and low every year to find Zhu Zhu Pets, Cabbage Patch Kids, Tickle Me Elmos, and other toys for their kids. Why? Because it feels just as good to give as it does to recieve.

Part of what it means to be human is to enjoy material posessions. Bot another part of our humanness is to enjoy putting smiles on the faces of others.

Here's my name typed with my forehead:


Oh geez. I didn't type much, but i think i just bookmarked this page, haha.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

O m G

When does it become to dangerous for an older person to drive? Senior citizens on the road have become sort of a joke in our culture, but i don't think it's a laughing matter. There's no doubt in my mind that it's dangerous to let old folks drive.

How to we fix this issue? You could just make all people over a set age turn in their liscenses, but that seems a bit unfair. It's possible to screen all older people to see if they still have good sight, hearing, etc. but it's possible that they could still be unfit to drive. You could have each senior citizen take a driving test, which seems impractical but still a good solution.

I say let's leave it up to the suits and politicians to decide.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The only thing you need on thanksgiving:

For thanksgiving:

My thanksgiving wishlist includes:


I try to make it a point to not be to picky. After all, everything is good in the right light. If you approach a food (or anything, for that matter) with the right mentality, you can learn to love it pretty easily. It's difficult to obtain that mentality, but it's well worth it.

To me it's like tricking yourself into making good choices. Or eating something you don't like.

My name typed with me facing away from my computer:


Wow... that's not even close.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Music is great.

Sometimes a song can just floor you. Music can truly speak to you if you listen with the right ears.

I was just listening to some random music when I heard the song Thrasher by Neil Young. The song is mainly written about the feeling he got as he passed some wheat thrashers on the highway.

The song has NOTHING to do with me. But I can relate my own experiences with his, and I really connected to the song. That's the beauty of music: it's a language of emotions. You can express things that you couldn't with words.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


The black cat twitched its tail twice. It hissed.

"What's Wrong?" asked a camel.

"There is a thorn in my paw," replied the cat.

The kind hearted camel thought helping the cat would be a nice thing to do.

"Hold still," said the camel as he drew a pair of tweezers from his fanny pack and removed the thorn. When the thorn was removed, the cat sighed with relief. But the relaxed look on his face was soon replaced with a look of terror.

The cat cried "I completely forgot to mention... there's-"

His words were cut short when a torrent of chocolate pudding burst forth from the hole where the thorn had been. The pudding flooded the nearby area at an alarming rate, quickly creating a thick brown pool. On an on the pudding poured forth, yet the flood would not stop. As the onslaught of the sweet, syrupy liquid raged on, the pool kept growing bigger. The camel, who had tried his hardest to plug the hole, was deftly swept away by the cascade of chocolate. The pool quickly grew into a lake, and the lake quickly grew into an ocean. Soon the entire earth was covered in chocolate pudding, and everyone died.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Fundraising is awful. A necessary evil of all organized activity. Anyone that belongs to any club or group has probably raised funds for some reason before. Trips, events, new uniforms, anything that a club gets usually comes from a fundraiser. Why? Because things cost money. You can't spend money that you don't have, and everything you do costs money. So why is it such a groanfest when you hear that your club is starting a new fundraiser? The only alternatives that I can think of would be paying for it out of the club members' pockets, or even stealing the money. However, neither of these seem very probable.

As i said earlier, it's a necessary evil. asdfghjkl;

Now: Im going to type my name with my eyes closed. Three times. Lets see how this turns out...

adam hamilton afdma hamdlien adam hamilten

Wow i got the first one! second one not so much...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Something (PSA)

Excercise is wonderful. You can do anything to excercise. Make yourself tired, make yourself sweat, and you're probably working your way to a healthier body. In fact, health isn't the only pro to excercise. It's actually believed that running and lifting weights (pushing your body to its limit) can produce a euphoria similar to most psychadelic drugs. While weaker than most street drugs, it's still an addicting chemical release that can keep anyone coming back to the gym for more. However, while addicting, it's not harmful to your body to lift weights as opposed to taking drugs. Its good for you!

So I encourage you to make a new habit today! Start feeding your addiction ASAP! It makes you healthy and feel great!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Blag all day blag all night

To fight with dignity or to surrender in shame?

In some ways, it's easier to just give up. Live to fight another day. It's the safest plan because you don't take the risk of loss. In fact, you dont take any risk at all. But by surrendering, you'll never win! So that's why the best choice is to fight it out. Weather you win or lose, you still have your dignity.

SidEbar: I hate when i can't think of anything to blog about. It's one of the worst feelings i can think of. Some days I could probably sit here and try to blog about anything, and it probably wouldn't happen. So that's why I'm blogging about how much i hate not being able to think of what to blog. Because it really stinks!

Also, i can't really think of a picture to put in this blog, so im just going to type my name as fast as i possibly can with my left thumb:

adamhsam iltonb

Wow, that wasn't even close! Oh well.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Guide to Asfdfghjkl;


This is my blog. A repository for all of my most trivial and inane thoughts. A journal for anything that happens to be on my mind when i have nothing else to do. As a result, this might be the most honest, true, and uninhibited look into what goes on in my brain from day to day. And as you can see from looking at my other blogs, it's not a whole lot.

Most days I usually answer the prompt supplied by Ms. Matthews because it helps me to get my brain going. Once I start punching keys my mind begins to wander, which is where i draw my sidebar, a small comment on anything, from. Then I include something totally random, such as a picture of someone i know from the 70's, or my attempt to type my name with my elbow.

The purpose of this blog is to just explain the format of all the others. Hope this clears a few things up. Ciao!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

$$$ shift+4

Money can't buy happiness, but sometimes it's hard to be happy without it. Our entire society and lifestyle actually revolves around earning and spending. We go to school to learn how to earn money, and then we spend the rest of our life chasin dat paper. Those that are jobless are considered lazy, and those without money are considered unsuccessful. To most people, money (earning it, saving it, having it) IS their happiness. I think it's sad.

Before I go, instead of leaving you with a picture of someone from the 70's, I'm going to type my name with my elbow:

wsaffdsaxn m gswxNMJSWLKGFTR5

But i made a typo...

Friday, September 4, 2009


Yeah just chillin here with j payne. He's in the stall next to me. We're just hangin' and bloggin'.

My entire Journalism 1 class was late on their first assignment. Mr. Phelan gave extra time after that and we still couldn't finish, so he gives us an amnesty day and we STILL don't have the assignment done.

We must be slow workers!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Home is an important place. Most people consider their home the house they live in, but I think home can be used in a bit broader sense. Home to me, basically, is any place you can go to get something you need. Home can be a place where you go to find family, friends, or maybe something else.

siDE baR: I think one of my teachers is a pilgrim. He has buckles on his shoes. However, they are very stylish buckles in my opinion. The buckles are also very convenient places to keep coins. All in all, they are very nice, shoes with buckles on them.

For reference i have added a picture of my pilgrim teacher with buckles on his shoes. This picture was taken in the 70s, however, so he doesn't look quite the same any more.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

FFFFFFFFFFFeeagfffffffffffffffffff vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

I am strongly against throwing stones from glass houses. Just imagine if you were the one that built that house? Would you like it very much if someone would do that to your beautiful glass house just to throw a stone?


Sometimes I have a really difficult time blogging. Something about putting my thoughts onto paper (or in a text box). But imagine blogging in the future! Soon you'll be able to just plug into a computer, hit a button, and have all your thoughts recorded in your blog at the blink of an eye! You heard it here first!

So yeah, before i go, i wanted to leave you with this picture of my cousin in the 70s

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Precipitancy creates progidality

Haste makes waste!

I think that being in a hurry can cause you to do a sloppy job at just about everything.

Then again, if you're always in a hurry, you'll always have extra time.

I would say the pros outweigh the cons.


The other day i went to Mcdonalds with one of my friends. They ordered a sandwich and two cokes, and when we pulled through to get our order, the guy handed us two bags.

My friend gave him a confused look and asked about the extra bag. He said, "Oh, well, she put it up there and I got mad, so you can have it."

We both had a good laugh.

Also, in case you forgot, here's another picture of me in the 70's.

Monday, August 24, 2009



Friends are people that we count on for support. They're like brothers or sisters not related by blood.

So it makes sense that friends would double joy and halve grief, that's what we have them for!

One last thing, I'd like to show you this picture of my brother from the 70's. Stay classy!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Similar Sire, Similar Scion

To be honest, I don't think Im too similar to my family members. They are family, after all, and we do share many traits, but I wouldn't say that I'm easily compared with any of them.

Even if im an alien, it's alright with me. It makes me feel independent!

Also, just a little reminder, here's a picture of me in the 70's:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I like blogging!

A family to me is kind of like a flower. The different parts of the plant (the different people in the family) work together to help grow a beautiful flower.

Side bar: The other day my history teacher was playing devils advocate in the current healthcare reform debate. She announced, in the voice of a white collar worker with a college degree, that because she had worked her tail off in college she deserved to have healthcare, as opposed to those who aren't as well off and can't afford it. She said even if there were 48 million people without healthcare, she shouldn't have to be the one to pay for it.

Is that really alright? Just because some people work very hard in college for five, six, or eight years they have the right to dictate whether or not that portion of the population can have healthcare? I'm not saying what's wrong and right, but I think that that high and mighty train of thought could be one of the many things that's wrong with this world. I realize my teacher didn't actually believe that sort of thing (I hope), but ASDFGHJKL;!

Also, one more thing, here's a picture of me in the 70's: