Monday, February 1, 2010


What does it mean to be silly? Well...

"Silly" is defined by as ludicrous and foolish. Well, what does that mean? I guess it means something that's irregular or unconventional. Something that you wouldn't expect, but not bad or negative in essence.

So let's give an example. It would be silly to paint yourself blue and wear white trousers and go to class. That just doesn't make sense, it's not fashionable (unless you're a smurf), and alot of people would probably give you strange looks. So, it would be silly to attend class dressed as a smurf. Note that it would not be silly to dress as a smurf if you're attending a meeting of smurf-vestites.

Does that mean you should never attend class dressed as a smurf? OF COURSE NOT. Always go to class dressed as a smurf! If you can stand the attention, and can manage to keep out of trouble, it's a great idea. In my opinion, embarassment is the best way to build character.

Just look at this guy! He's doing great!
Go for it!

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