Sunday, January 31, 2010

Life Incarcerated

In-school suspension sucks. Sure, there are nicer ways to word that, but I'd like to do my loathing justice. I suppose it's what i deserved for being late to school 14 times, but good god. I hope I never have to endure anything so torturous ever again.

As I served my sentence, my schedule was as follows: Wake up, perform my morning routine, make my way to school, and sit. For hours. Seven, to be exact. Finally, at the last bell, I was free to do whatever I wanted.

So, for those seven hours of every day I was suspended, I spent every waking moment regretting that I ever came to school late. Hahaha. Then Tommy Boroughs woke up from the most beautiful dream he ever experienced.

What I actually did during my imprisonment was a mixture of reading (AToTC all the way, baby), staring at the wall of my tiny little cubicle, and making as much small talk as possible with Ms. Henry, my overseer.

A cold chill travels the length of my spine every time I think of my time spent in the aptly named alternative learning center. And I can be sure that if I'm ever running late again, I'm calling in sick. I have 8 excused absences to my name, and I'd much sooner use them than go through that again.

Seacrest, out.

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