Sunday, January 31, 2010

Life Incarcerated

In-school suspension sucks. Sure, there are nicer ways to word that, but I'd like to do my loathing justice. I suppose it's what i deserved for being late to school 14 times, but good god. I hope I never have to endure anything so torturous ever again.

As I served my sentence, my schedule was as follows: Wake up, perform my morning routine, make my way to school, and sit. For hours. Seven, to be exact. Finally, at the last bell, I was free to do whatever I wanted.

So, for those seven hours of every day I was suspended, I spent every waking moment regretting that I ever came to school late. Hahaha. Then Tommy Boroughs woke up from the most beautiful dream he ever experienced.

What I actually did during my imprisonment was a mixture of reading (AToTC all the way, baby), staring at the wall of my tiny little cubicle, and making as much small talk as possible with Ms. Henry, my overseer.

A cold chill travels the length of my spine every time I think of my time spent in the aptly named alternative learning center. And I can be sure that if I'm ever running late again, I'm calling in sick. I have 8 excused absences to my name, and I'd much sooner use them than go through that again.

Seacrest, out.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

If a dog could give advice:

He would probably tell me to slowwwwwwww my rolllllllll.

It seems like i get too caught up with minor things alot of the time. I would probably be way less stressed out if I could just get my priorities straight. One good way to do that? Take a chill pill. When you pause and get everything in order, it's much easier to get your ducks in a row.

See? This guy doesn't have a care in the world.

We should all take a page from him. Life would be alot more fun if you could look back and not have to wish you had done something different. So take it easy, think things through, so that you make decisions you wont regret.

Im so preachy.


Winter is my favorite season. We all love winter, I think.

When it's winter, it snows and you get snowdays out of school, which is like my favorite part. (And)Where there's snow, there's snowmen.

While there's snow and ice on the ground it's a good idea to drive slow.

When you can't stand the cold, it's time to go inside.

What is snow? Well, it's rain that's been frozen into tiny ice crystals.

Why wouldn't you enjoy the great season of winter?

WBy the way, tomorrow is snowbreak #2!

WThats me, being excited that we get a snow day tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bad Ideas!

Ten bad ideas:

10. Indoor fireworks
9. Blogging about your sex life
8. Not doing your reading assignment for Mrs. Matthews
7. Wearing loose pants without a belt!
6. Burning bridges (Figuratively)
5. Burning bridges (Literally)
4. Jumping the shark (Figuratively)
3. Jumping the shark (Literally)
2. Feigning interest in Wooly's anecdotes
1. Not doing your blogging!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Snow day confirmation

Thursday, January 7th 2010 WAS, in fact, one of the GREATEST snow days ever (as i predicted it would be).

Here's how my day went:

7:00 AM: Woke up, looked out the window, checked school cancelations, said, "Yesssssssss," and went back to bed.

11:59 AM: Woke up again, ate some cereal, got bundled up, left house with friends.

12:20 PM: Went sledding

12:33 PM: Snowball fight

1:30 PM: Played pool, drank hot cocoa

6:30 PM: went to the New China Buffet with friends, had fun, was too loud

And some other things happened that I don't feel like mentioning, like making snow angels which must have happened 20 times that day.

Thanks, god, jack frost, the weather man, or whoever it is that makes it snow. You made my day!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Snow day!

Tomorrow, January 7th, 2010 is going to be the first snow day of my junior year of highschool. I've never been more pumped in my life!

Here's a list of things I need to do tomorrow:

  • Sleep in!

  • NOT go to school

  • Make hot cocoa

  • Watch all the good morning TV shows like Martha Speaks and Cid the Science Kid

  • Put on a bunch of warm clothes

  • Play in the snow!

  • Make a snowman

  • Make a snow angel

  • Make an angel man

  • Hang out with friends

  • Go Sledding

  • Make an Igloo

I figure that's a good start. I might add more later, there's just so much to do!

That's me tomorrow!